
Are you ready to transform your inner world and Embody your Divine Feminine?

cam kashani
cam kashani

As an Intuitive Coach focused on Divine Feminine Embodiment, I help women transform their inner world into one of Self love, empowerment and abundance, allowing you to reach your highest truth, so you can be your most authentic Self.

Who can you be when you embody your Divine Feminine?

And who is the Divine Feminine?

She is bold
She is intentional
She trusts herself
She is detached and fluid
She is empowered and empowers
She is aligned
She uplifts whenever she goes
She knows and speaks her truth
She leads from love
She follows her intuition
She sets powerful boundaries
She accepts herself fully
She loves herself deeply
She is detached and fluid
She embraces community over competition (sisterhood over cattiness)
cam kashani

She is the truth of our being, and she is YOU. Are you ready to let go of your wounding and unleash her?


  • Yesterday I had a beautiful Akashic Records reading and coaching, in one session, by Cam. Besides her on point psychic messages, she has an extraordinary ability to combine these messages with your dreams and provide practical steps to realize them in an instant. To me, Cam is loving, warm, and able to point straight towards your disempowering patterns within yourself in seconds. I can truly say that the session gave me a lot of clarity and changed the course of my life for the better. I absolutely recommend booking a session with this incredible(!!) woman.
    Kaizen Asiedu
  • Yesterday I had a beautiful Akashic Records reading and coaching, in one session, by Cam. Besides her on point psychic messages, she has an extraordinary ability to combine these messages with your dreams and provide practical steps to realize them in an instant. To me, Cam is loving, warm, and able to point straight towards your disempowering patterns within yourself in seconds. I can truly say that the session gave me a lot of clarity and changed the course of my life for the better. I absolutely recommend booking a session with this incredible(!!) woman.
    Maartje Pott
  • This Goddess is pure Akashic magic. Cam gave me a reading and it was spot on. I highly recommend this sweet soul. I am very sacred about my scope and Cam knows her craft so well to see me. She reads like Master… Cam you are a gift!
    Kate Hula
  • Cam was able to help guide me to how I can best help and lead myself to true inner freedom that has been waiting for light to be shown upon and to be healed in order to step into higher callings. Often times, we are told what may await us but often left without how to exactly get there. Cam provides deep spiritual insight and wisdom with steps on how to work through the process and reach our ultimate goal providing resolution and pathways to healing to reach ultimate fulfillment. Therefore, not only us getting answers but the tools and skills needed of how to successfully reach our victories. A perfect powerful blend.
    Ereca Moreno
  • I’m a client of Cam’s intuitive work. It’s the first time I’ve really explored this arena and didn’t know what to expect. Fortunately, Cam explained how the session would flow and what I could expect to experience. My session was rich with direction and guidance, weaving together several recent and powerful spiritual awareness's. I felt clear, affirmed and empowered to move forward in my life because of what she shared with me. She’s clear, absolutely gifted, direct and attuned to the guidance the souls around me have for me. Would I recommend her? That’s a definite yes! We’re fortunate she’s now sharing her intuitive abilities and talents with clients. I see tapping into her gifts on a regular basis going forward for guidance and direction.
    Shawn Richardson

Book an Akashic Reading

An Akashic Reading is a powerful psychic tool used to channel your soul. We will open your Akashic Records together, and receive divine guidance on your life path and your current situation. This is very helpful if you feel stuck, scared, uncertain, or just need some clarity.

Duration: 1 hour
Price:  $280

book a breakthrough Session

A breakthrough session is a powerful combination of transformational coaching and an Akashic record (psychic) reading. In this session, I channel your soul to hear what you need to know to help you move through the challenges you may be facing in life, while offering powerful coaching and guidance around limiting beliefs and fears to give you actionable, tangible steps so you immediately upgrade and take action. This combination will help you breakthrough to a higher level of living and give you clarity and insight into your life.

Duration: 1-1.5 hours
Price:  $500

journey packages

A powerful, private container to help you truly embody your Divine Feminine, the most empowered aspect of Self. This is a six month journey that we will embark on together, with bi-monthly sessions (which we can do online or in person), that encompass deep healing, profound transformation, psychic channeling, inner child work, mirror work, and so much more. If you are ready to reach your highest truth, dive deep and "do the work", this is the package for you. I only work with a handful of people at a time, so apply to work with me below.

Duration: 6 months
Requirements: Application only
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